
This is a pilot project of CABA that has been encouraged and initiated by Jonathan Daniels - here is an extract from his Newsletter story:

So when I kept seeing the obscene amounts of litter and debris as I traveled route 81 on my way to our meetings in Harrisburg and to other destinations, I realized that this might be an opportunity that would allow us to work together to have a positive impact on our environment.  At the least we could feel good about cleaning up some trash together, and if we were lucky we might even be able to plant some honey bee and pollinator friendly plants in a spot where thousands of people a day could be reminded in another small way about the value of caring for bees and cultivating a healthy and productive environment.

Like many of you, I had noticed the road side signs saying “Adopt A Highway” with a business name underneath.  I learned that in addition to being able to do something with Penn DOT, there were general clean-ups organized across the country through Keep America Beautiful and its Pennsylvania affiliate, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful  Every spring millions of volunteers across the country engage in clean-up and beautification projects to improve their communities.  By looking at the Penn DOT webpage for their Adopt A Highway program I learned that Pennsylvania has one of the most active AAH programs in the country.