CABA Monthly Bee Advice - October
By Val and Dimps Hawthorne, Kay and Murrel Walters, andWil Shirey
- Treat for mites?
- Check mite levels with sugar roll
- Follow treatment directions especially duration and number of applications
- Remove entrance reducer and block bottom board screen
- Remove surplus honey before treatment except for Mite Away Quick Strips
- Treat while there are some warm days (70 degrees +)
- Feed bees?
- Check hive weight by lifting rear of hive
- Feed liquid syrup (2 sugar to 1 water) as long as temperature allows for cleansing flights
- When too cold to fly, feed dry sugar or fondant
- Use hive top feeder or quail feeder inside empty super on top of frames. Cover with inner and outer cover
- Feed up to 5 gallons heavy syrup or until bees stop taking it
- Surplus honey?
- Remove supers when 90% capped, or
- Check uncapped honey by refractometer. Less than 19% moisture, extract.
- During Fall honey flow like this year, leave a super on the bees until the first killing frost
- Hive configuration?
- Single deep, single with medium super and double deeps all work well
- Overwintering nucs should be two nucs deep (10 frames)